Hey, traditional may not be the only option!

The best marketing campaigns are ideally mixed, just like your favourite cocktail.

Australian brands and agencies spent $9 billion on digital advertising in 2019. This figure confirms what you probably already know — leveraging digital media in your marketing mix is important.

But, there are a lot of people who believe that investing in more online techniques means abandoning the tried and true traditional methods.

The only justification to stop using traditional advertising is when your consumers no longer go outside, listen to the radio, watch TV, or socialise with individuals who use traditional media. Put simply — traditional is still sticking around.

Instead, it’s about combining the two.

Layering traditional with digital marketing techniques gives you the potential to transform your business through explosive long-term growth that can make you a powerhouse in your industry.

So, how can digital amplify traditional?

It’s active and passive
Traditional marketing is generally considered to be passive in creating brand awareness and demand. Whereas, digital marketing actively involves the target audience and drives conversions. This really allows the two techniques to complement each other, working together to realise the company’s intended objectives.

It’s more personal
Traditional media is a highly effective way to reach a broad consumer base, but digital media is a great way to reach out to a super targeted and specific audience. Digital marketing centres around getting to know the consumer on a deeper level, so you can tailor your marketing to be highly relevant and continue building a relationship with that consumer until you drive them to convert.

What happens when you combine them?
A dual approach extends your business. You can yield insane results. Customer acquisition, reputation management, and brand management. It’s all there when you use every marketing strategy you have at your disposal.

When a strategy is built that allows digital and traditional to work together, the benefits can be huge. Diversifying your marketing strategy is great for long term growth. Short of some marketing catastrophe, where every medium fails, you’ll almost always continue moving forward when you are relying on a combined digital and traditional approach.

Here’s how they can work together

• Traditional ads can direct people to your social media properties
• Social media promotes further engagement
• Combining traditional and digital media builds brand loyalty

Finding the right mix of digital and traditional media is about understanding who your consumers are, what they buy, and where you are most likely to interact with them. Being able to do this ensures you’re able to deliver a consistent brand message across the channels that are right for your brand.

If you need help getting started on creating an integrated marketing approach, get in touch with our team. With the help of our digital agency, Sunny Digital, we work together to help you
develop a coordinated plan for how to engage your audience on each platform — across digital and traditional.

Author: Nicole Moore, Account Manager

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