OzTam is increasing TV Panels to support Australian ratings data

OzTam is set to increase the number of homes included in Australian television audience measurement by a considerable 50%.

The change is being implemented by OzTam over the next 6 months and is expected to be completed by early 2017, a move they say will reinforce industry confidence in ratings data.

The rise in audience panels will see Australia become the world’s largest per capita people metered market for TV viewing habits.

Ratings are a key factor for advertisers and media buyers when it comes to planning advertising placement so the increase in panels is going to provide more accountability and more reliability in determining media placement.

The increase in homes will also help increase the data available for niche demographics, and provide more reliable information for these audience groups.

While the increase is much needed and possibly even overdue there is still a need to continually grow the number of homes included in Australian audience measurement. The current increase will see the number of Metropolitan homes rise from 3500 to 5250, and subscription TV will rise from 1413 to 2120.

We look forward to the changes taking place and hope to see OzTam stay at the forefront of audience measurement in Australia by continually changing to reflect the Australian television landscape.

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